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HIGHLINE 56 - Reunion Page

Reunion 53 Pictures

Reunion 52 Pictures

Reunion 51 pictures

Reunion 50 pictures

Reunion 40 pictures

Reunion 20 pictures

And from the 50th Reunion, the Reunion Book



The 55th Reunion will be held June 12, 2011 at Glen Acres Golf and Country Club, 1000 South 112th St., Seattle WA 98168. A map to Glen Acres is here. The 51st reunion was held at Glen Acres, so many will be familiar with the location. The affair starts at 4 pm, the bar is open, and Hor'deuvres will be served.

Cost is $32 per person, make check to Highline Class Reunion, and mail to Georgina Busch Wicklund, 1110 S. 244th Pl. Des Moines, WA 98198. RSVP by May 15.




53rd Reunion was held July 25, 2009 at Huntington Park clubhouse, 1000 S 248th, Des Moines. See more pictures here. note: that blonde welcoming the ambassador is not his wife.

Many also attended Larry's picnic, the next day, Sunday. A map to Larry's place is here.


Our 52nd year reunion was held JULY 26, 2008 At The Meridian Valley Country Club in Kent.

Here are pictures from the 52nd. Page 1. Page 2. Page 3.

Don't miss the pictures from the 51st reunion.

For montages of the Friday night "pre-reunion" and the Saturday night affair go to 50th reunion photos and the .
original 50th Reunion page, and Link to the montages of the 40th Reunion.

And Just In - pix from the 20th! Here!